Mar 17, 2013

A (Short) Introduction

Welcome to Project Plus!

As conveyed by the name, this blog is entirely devoted to girly-related topics, such as beauty, fashion, reviews and more. All from an ordinary, amateur girl-to-girl point of view. There's nothing more important than the promise of honesty and objectivity - and that's what I hope to achieve through this blog.

Adding to that, I would love to inject my thoughts on plus size fashion and beauty, and to uphold the message of inner beauty and self-acceptance in the real world. As a plus sized girl, I believe that we all deserve to be loved, cared for and to feel beautiful, every second of our lives. I would also love to hear your thoughts and ideas - so don't hold back!

Who am I? Find out more in the 'About Me' page. In a nutshell, I have been blogging for about 6-7 years now (since 2007), with a rather long hiatus in between. It's time to make a comeback, and I can't think of a better way than through sharing my thoughts about beauty, plus sized fashion and more.

Come join me in this journey, and I hope it will be as rewarding for you, as it will be for me. Juggling between a full time job and possible a part time one (this blog!), it will be a challenge, but a truly worthwhile one.

Till then, stay fabulous!
xoxo Mabel.


  1. welcome back! looking forward to read your blog post! x

  2. thank you, Sarvin! :) It feels good to be back! xo



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