Inside the Dressing Room: H&M and Brands Outlet
Ola amigos! Hope all is well with you. :) Over the weekend, I went on a window shopping spree with the best buddy...
+Ola amigos! Hope all is well with you. :) Over the weekend, I went on a window shopping spree with the best buddy...
+Hands up if you hate running. Yup, both of my hands are up AND feet (if that were counted). Never have I pegged...
+Hello & Happy Lunar New Year 2014 to those who are celebrating! This was a rather quiet new year in my opinion, perhaps...
+Gong xi fa cai! :) Apart from Christmas - the Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year is my absolute favourite time of the year....
+To be completely honest, it took a while for me to muster the courage to write this post. This journey has been incredibly personal...
+Hello Plushionistas! It's been a while. I'm glad to report that one of my 2014 resolutions is devoted to updating this blog at least...